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A REUTERS SERIES - Slavery’s Descendants
by Tom Bergin, Makini Brice, Nicholas P. Brown, Donna Bryson, Lawrence Delevingne, Brad Heath, Andrea Januta, Gui Qing Koh, Tom Lasseter, Grant Smith, Maurice Tamman, Catherine Tai, John Emerson, Jane Ross, Emma Jehle, Jeremy Schultz, Blake Morrison
4.0/5 ( 1명 참여
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by Tom Bergin, Makini Brice, Nicholas P. Brown, Donna Bryson, Lawrence Delevingne, Brad Heath, Andrea Januta, Gui Qing Koh, Tom Lasseter, Grant Smith, Maurice Tamman, Catherine Tai, John Emerson, Jane Ross, Emma Jehle, Jeremy Schultz, Blake Morrison
4.0/5 ( 1명 참여
At a time of renewed debate over slavery and its legacy, many of today’s U.S. leaders have staked key positions on policies related to race. Reuters sought to determine how many of those political elites descend from slaveholders, and what it means for them to learn – in personal, specific and sometimes graphic ways – the facts behind their own family’s part in slavery.